Agricultural emissions should be viewed as valuable resources that are currently being wasted (methane is energy lost and urea is protein lost (leading to nitrous oxide emissions)). If we can improve the efficiency of ruminant animals, we will produce more milk and meat and less waste (emissions).
We have the technology, Biozest, to reduce emissions intensity and increase ruminant efficiency. This means New Zealand can increase productivity (i.e. production of milk/meat) and achieve a gross reduction in emissions, thus enabling zero carbon economy, and meeting our global food security obligations.
Biozest can improve net returns to farmers by at least $300 per hectare (total sector estimates $3.6 b). Our claims are backed by commercial-scale, full life cycle trial data and science.
We have not overstated the economic benefit; the detailed information below will back our claim.
We have demonstrated that treating pasture with Biozest can result in a net increase in returns of $865 per hectare on drystock farms. New Zealand has 9.7 million hectares in sheep and cattle production.
While we have carried out numerous trials on dairy farms, we have not yet completed a whole farm, full life-cycle determination of the net returns per hectare on dairy farms. New Zealand has 2.4 million hectares in dairy farming. However, a conservative improvement of $600 per hectare (a 10% productivity gain) can make a big contribution to our economic recovery. A limited, controlled trial on a dairy goat farm resulted in 33% increase in productivity.
We had just started holding a round of Autumn farm meetings to inform farmers of the benefits of Biozest in terms of increasing production following the drought/dry summer and in preparation for winter. Covid-19 put a stop to face to face meetings so we have written up the notes from our PowerPoint presentation for farmers. Click here to view the notes on our website.
Zest Biotech has successfully formed an alliance with the 6 agricultural helicopter companies to provide a discounted "Starter Pack" (a loss leader strategy) to enable farmers to kick off the pasture recovery from drought and increase productivity.
This “Starter Pack” will also enable helicopter operators to at least recover a portion of the revenue they have lost from the downturn of the tourism sector.
Biozest will enable farmers to kick-start the recovery of drought affected pasture, to champion economic recovery and the zero carbon economy.
We have made submissions and presented in person to both the Productivity Commission and the Climate Change Response (Zero-Carbon) Amendment Bill subcommittee. These can be seen on our website: